miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2020

Coronavirus is Akin to The Lottery

 My mom came up with this strange but extremely accurate term to describe COVID. In the beginning, young people thought they were immune to the virus, it was seen only as a threat to older people with "weaker lungs." Then, the tables turned and 18,19, 20-year-olds started dying and young adults started questioning their "immunity" to the virus. 

In my family, this term originated when one of my dad's uncles who is 79, a smoker, and had Dengue (a tropical disease) at the same time as he was infected with COVID, survived; and one of my mother's friends, 30, a doctor and a runner died. Then we realized that COVID-19 is definitely like the lottery, you might "lose" aka survive, or you can be that one "ballot" that "wins" and dies of coronavirus even if you were the healthiest human in the world. 

It has been very interesting to see people gain conscience and shift from seeing coronavirus as a disease meant to wipe out the elderly, the "useless" (as many people see them), to it being deadly to absolutely everyone. The moral of the story is that there is no way we can know if we are part of those who are gonna win or lose this lottery.

Image taken from: https://unsplash.com/s/photos/lottery

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