martes, 8 de septiembre de 2020

Politicizing a Pandemic?

Instead of sticking together during times of crisis, people have decided to politice a pandemic. We all have witnessed how people have linked politics and a public health issue, but how? Well, according to the article by One Young World called Stop Politicizing COVID 19. Brace for Existential Risks Instead, the ideological spectrum has taken ownership of the COVID 19 pandemic, and people from the left have been able to link the pandemic to an "opportunity to advance" in healthcare, non-capitalist economic models and an immense opportunity to mitigate climate change. In contrast, on the right, the pandemic is being used to combat immigration, democracy, and the idea of each individual fending for themselves has emerged. 

I think we all have witnessed some of that, plus an issue I mentioned in a past entry, of how people (mostly from the extreme conservative side) refuse to wear masks because it goes against their "rights". The real question here is why us as humans would rather polarize ourselves into two very different views of the pandemic instead of sticking together while battling one of the worst crisis our world has ever seen? The answer is simple; politics are everywhere and people cannot help their urge to make assumptions -just like assuming the pandemic is meant to help combat immigration-

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