miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2020

Covid, Class and College

 If one year ago anyone would've asked me if there was any possibility of me staying in this country longer than June 2020, I would have said "there is not a single chance." But life is full of surprises, and now I'm here, in my room in Colombia taking my first semester of what totally does not feel like college. 

When I think about my personal life in my country, and my college classes colliding, the possibilities of that happening seem very small, but Dr. Tony Stallins proved me wrong when in one of his classes I saw a video of a Colombian woman's story that had previously been very popular in my country. Hearing this story in one of my college classes was not only very weird, but it also made me realize Kentucky and UK might not be as far as I think they are; I might not be as alienated from other students as I think I am, and most importantly, heartbreaking stories like Mrs. Toro's seem so close to home do in fact have an impact in the rest of the world. 

Seein my two worlds collide during a 50-minute lecture was shocking at first, I felt like I wasn't a complete stranger anymore, and I honestly cannot wait for it to happen again. 

Image taken from the NY Times article about Mrs. Toro's story.

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